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Risk factors for mortality in patients with acute kidney injury and hypotension treated with continuous veno-venous hemodiafiltration
In Myung Oh, Jang Han Lee, Kyoung Hwa Yoo et al.
Kidney Res Clin Pract. 2012;31(4):214-218.   Published online October 5, 2012
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Clinical Parameters to Determine the Optimal Timing of CRRT in Critically Ill Patients with Acute Kidney Injury
Yong Chul Kim, M.D. Jin Ho Hwang, M.D. Eun Jin Cho, M.D. Hajeong Lee, M.D. Kook-Hwan Oh, M.D. Kwon Wook Joo, M.D. Yon Su Kim, M.D. Curie Ahn, M.D. Jin Suk Han, M.D. Suhnggwon Kim, M.D. and Dong Ki Kim, M.D.
Korean J Nephrol. 2011;30(6):585-592.
Sustained Low-Efficiency Dialysis as an Alternative Therapy to Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy in Critically Ill Patients with Acute Kidney Injury
Yong-Bong Shin, M.D., Jang-Hee Cho, M.D., Ja-Yong Park, M.D., Ji-Young Choi, M.D., Sun-Hee Park, M.D., Chan-Duck Kim, M.D. and Yong-Lim Kim, M.D.
Korean J Nephrol. 2011;30(5):516-522.
Mortality Predictors in Patients Treated with Continuous Renal Replacement
Eun Jung Kim, Chul Ho Chung, Moo Yong Park, Soo Jeong Choi, Jin Kuk Kim and Seung Duk Hwang
Korean J Nephrol. 2011;30(1):73-79.
Vancomycin Pharmacokinetics in Oliguric Patients Undergoing Continuous Venovenous Hemodialysis and Continuous Venovenous Hemodiafiltration
Inwhee Park, M.D. Sun A Lee, M.D. Seung-Kwan Lim, M.D. Sukyong Yu, M.D. Eun Jung Jang, M.D. Eun Joon Moon, M.D. Joo An Hwang, M.D. Heungsoo Kim, M.D. and Gyu-Tae Shin, M.D.
Korean J Nephrol. 2010;29(5):585-592.
Outcome and Prognosis in Patients Receiving Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy
Seung Ho Lee, M.D., Soon Kil Kwon, M.D. and Hye-young Kim, M.D.
Korean J Nephrol. 2010;29(4):434-440.
Prognostic Factors of Acute Renal Failure Patients Treated with Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy
Eui Sik Kim, M.D., Young Rok Ham, M.D., Won Ik Jang, M.D., Ji Yoon Jung, M.D. O-Kyoung Kwon, M.D., Sarah Chung, M.D., Dae Eun Choi, M.D., Ki-Ryang Na, M.D. Kang Wook Lee, M.D. and Young-Tai Shin, M.D.
Korean J Nephrol. 2010;29(1):54-63.
Renal Recovery from Severe Acute Kidney Injury Requiring Renal Replacement Therapy
Kyung A Choi, M.D., Jeong-Ah Kwon, M.D., Young-Hoon Kim, M.D., Yu-Ji Lee, M.D., Ha Young Oh, M.D., Dae Joong Kim, M.D., Yoon-Goo Kim, M.D., Wooseong Huh, M.D. and Jung Eun Lee, M.D.
Korean J Nephrol. 2009;28(4):295-301.

Kidney Research
Clinical Practice

Print ISSN: 2211-9132
Online ISSN: 2211-9140

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