Korean Journal of Nephrology 1989;8(1):19-35.
섬유소원융해시 생성되는 펩타이드가 백서 신기능에 미치는 영향
오하영 , 김성권 , 이정상
Ancrod has been known effective in improving renal function in animal studies and cases of human glomer- ulonephritis. This effect was more prominent in high FDP groups. It has been thought that the effect is mediated by improved renal perfusion following fi- brinolysis of fibrin deposits or by immunosuppressive actions of fibrin degradation product (FDP) released during fibrinolysis, but it also seems that FDPs may play a direct role in improving renal function. In order to evaluate the direct effects of peptides released during fibrinolysis, a renal function study was performed using Sprague-Dawley rat by injecting con- trol sera (Exp. 1) and fibrinogen degradation product (fdp) derived from plasmin digestion of fibrinogen (Exp. 2). The results were as the following. 1) Urine volume/gram kindey weight There was no change in Exp. 1, but it increased from 5.19±0.54 ml/min-g to 11.47±2.37 ml/min-g in Exp. 2 (p<0.01), The ratio of the basal to experimental values also increased in Exp. 2, compared with Exp. 1 (p < 0.01). 2) Creatinine clearance/gram kidney weight There was no change in Exp. 1, but it increased from 1.11±0.06ml/min g to 1.46±0.14ml/min-g in Exp. 2 (p<0.01>. No change in the ratio of the basal to experi- mental values between Exp. 1 and Exp. 2 was noted. 3) Urine electrolytes/gram kidney weight (1) Urine electrolyte concentrations/gram kidney weight Urine sodium concentration did not change in Exp. 1, but it increased from 23.9±10.1 mEq/ml g to 62.1±14.7 mEq/ml.g in Exp. 2 (p<0.01). The ratio of the basal to experimental values also increased in Exp. 2, compared with Exp. 1 (p<0.05). Urine potassium concentration did not change in Exp. 1, but it decreased from 70.6± 10.7 mEq/ml g to 42.2±5. 0 pEq/ml g in Exp. 2 (p<0.05). No change in the ratio of basal to experimental values between Exp. 1 and Exp. 2 was observed. Urine chloride concentration, on the other hand, in- creased from 37.7±6.5 mEq/ml g to 65.1±9.4 mEq/ml g in Exp. 1 (p < 0.05) and from 33.8± 8.8 m Eq/ml.g to 73.7± 11.1 mEq/ml-g in Exp. 2 (p<0.01) as well. But no change in the ratio of the basal to experimental values between Exp. 1 and Exp. 2 was noted. (2) Urine electrolyte excretions/gram kidney weight As for urine sodium excretion, no change was noted in Exp. 1, but it increased from 0.25±0.14 mEq/min g to l. 30±0.54 mEq/min-g in Exp. 2 (p<0.01). The ratio of the basal to experimental values also increased in Exp. 2, compared with Exp. 1 (p<0.01). No change in urine potassium excretion occurred in either Exp. 1 or Exp. 2. Urine chloride excretion increased from 0.48±0.11 mEq/min g to 1.02±0.23 mEq/min g in Exp. 1 (p<0.05) and from 0.32±0.11 mEq/min g to 15.3±0.46 m Eq/min g in Exp. 2 (p<0.01) as well. The ratio of the basal to experimental values also increased in Exp. 2, compared with Exp. 1 (p<0.01). 4) Electrolyte clearances/gram kidney weight Sodium clearance increased from 3.0±0.8 ml/min g to 6.9±1.9 ml/min g in Exp. 1 (p<0.05) and from 2.0±0.7 ml/min g to 7.3±1.8 ml/min g in Exp. 2 (p<0.01>. Potassium clearance did not change in either Exp. 1, or Exp. 2. Chloride clearance also did not changs in Exp. 1, but it increased from 2.7±0.9 ml/min-g in Exp. 2 (p<0.01). The ratio of the basal to experimental values in sodium and chloride increased in Exp. 2, compared with Exp. 1 (p<0.05). 5) Fractional excretion of electorlytes As for sodium and chloride, fraction excretion did not change in Exp. 1, but it increased in Exp. 2, from 0.14+ 0.08% to 0.48±0.10% for sodium (p<0.01), and from 0. 24±0.08% to 1.08±0.32% for chloride (p<0.01). Also, the ratios of the basal to experimental values for sodium and chloride did not change in Exp. 1, but increased in Exp. 2. As for potassium, no changes in fractional excretion and the ratio of basal to experimental values were noted in either Exp 1 or Exp 2.6) Serial changes in selected variables of renal func- tion in Exp. 2 Urine volume, creatinine clearance, urine sodium and chloride excretions began to increase i
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