급성신부전 환자에서 혈청 ACE 활성도의 변화 |
김순백 , 윤형진 , 김윤구 , 한진석 , 김성권 , 이정상 |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study was to evaluate serum ACE activity in patients with ARF according to the severity of ARF. The serum ACE activity was measured in the 26 patients with acute renal failure (oliguric 17, non- oliguric 9). The initial serum ACE activity in patients with ARF was lower than normal controls, but in- creased with recovery of illness. In patients with oligur- ic ARF, initial serum ACE activity was lower than that of patients with non-oliguric ARF. Initial serum ACE activity of dead patients was lower than that of sur- vived patients. During the increasing phase of serum ACE activity of 14 patients with ARF due to renal ischemia and drug were normal except 3 patients who died. Although serum ACE activity of 7 patients with ARF due to sepsis, acute pancreatitis and dye were lower than normal range, 4 of those patients were associated with adult respiratory distress syndrome. These results indicates that the serum ACE activity in patients with ARF was different according to the sever- ity of ARF. |