급성 핍뇨성 신부전 환자에서의 저농도 Dompamine과 고농도 Furosemide의 병합투여 |
윤건호 , 양철우 , 윤영석 , 방병기 |
Abstract |
44 patients with acute oliguric renal failure,who were resistant to extraeellular volium expansion and/or fur- osemide in large dose, dopamine (3-5 ug/kg/min) plus furosemide (20-30mg/hr) were infused. The 25 patients (responder group) were induced brisk diuresis and de- creased duration of oliguria, but 19 patients (nonr- sponder group) were not. In responder group, hospital day, number of dialysis required and mortality were reduced. The blood nitrogen and serum creatinine level were rapidly decreased than non-responder group. But natriuresis was not induced in both responder and nonre- ponder group. The therapy was found to be almost free of side effect. We think there should be a trial with this treatment in early oliguric renal failure patients. |