성인 낭종신 31예 중 다낭종신 11예의 임상적 고찰 |
김재헌 , 신윤원 , 김재하 , 김승영 , 황순철 , 이준상 , 강종식 , 전건웅 |
Abstract |
The adult polycystic kidney disease (APCKD) is inher- ited by autosomal dominant trait and is uncommon. We analysed the clinical characteristics of 11 patients with the APCKD retro-spectively among 31 patients with the cystic disease of the kidney among 338 ho- sptalized patients with the renal disease in the same period to develop the profile of Korean APCKD. They were diagnosed by clinical manifestations, labo- ratory data, intravenous pyelogram, ultrasonogram of the kidney, and abdominal CT scanning. The results were below; 1) We found the patient with APCKD after 4th dec-ade, and the frequency was 3.3% of all hospitalized patients with the adult cystic renal disease, and the frequency of dinical manifestations were palpable flank mass (63.6%), flank pain (54.5%), anemia (54.5%), hyper- tension (45.5%), hematuria (18.2%), and peripheral ede- ma (9.I%). 2) 4 cases(36.4%), of the extrarenal organ involve- ment were observed in the liver and 3 cases of them had abnormal hepatic functions(increased levels of SGOT and SGPT). 3) Among the initial clinical manifestations we obser- ved abnormal urinalysis in 10 cases(90.9%) and de- creased renal functions in 7 cases(63.7%) and 5 cases of these patients with decreased renal functions were already in end-stage renal disease at admission and accounted for 1.5% of all cases of the hospitalized patients with the kidney disease and 6.4% of the end- stage renal failure. Hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, or renal transplantation was done for 4 cases of these patients. 4) Complications were anemia, hypertension, end- stage renal failure, and etc. Finally we think that pro- spective studies of APCKD should be done for assess- ment of APCKD by research of pedigree and family history and by follow-up checks of the renal function of APCKD. |