수술후 합병된 횡문근융해증에 동반된 급성신부전 |
심재정 , 표희정 |
Abstract |
Rhabdomyolysis is frequently associated with acute renal failure, which is developed by the release of cellu- lar components into the blood, decreased plamsa volume and acidosis. The etiology of rhaMomyolsis is diverse and variable according to the geographic regions of the study. The major causes of rhabdomyolysis in Korea are CO poisoning and snake bite. Recently we had experienced three cases of rhab- domyolysis with acute renal failure after operations, in unusual situations, which were anastomosis of lacerated popliteal artery with prolonged application of tourni- quet, and replantation of the amputated left upper arm. We recommand preventive maneuvers of acute renal failure such as vigorous fluid therapy before reperfusion of the injured muscles or replantation of the ischemic limb. |