거부반응 후 파열된 이식신의 성공적 처치 1예 |
박명재 , 박민선 , 황승덕 , 문철 , 이희발 |
Abstract |
We report a case of renal allograft rupture, success- fully managed by immediate graft exploration and tamponade with Gelfoam and Oxycel. An episode of acute rejection began two days after renal transplantation and this was treated by methyl- prednisolone pulses and hemodialysis. On the 8th post -transplantation day, shortly after a hemodialysis, there was the sudden onset of graft pain and tenderness, high fever and swelling around the upper pole of the graft. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed fluid collection around the upper pole. Immediate graft exploration disclosed a large hematoma on the upper pole of the graft and a rupture of the parenchyma (6 x 2 x 1 cm) and renal capsule on the upper portion of the convex border of the graft. Hemos- tasis was obtained by ligation of bleeding points foll- owed by tamponade with Gelfoam and Oxycel. The graft exploration and hemostasis were followed by immediate diuresis and gradual but full recovery of graft function. |