신이식후 발생한 IgA 신증 |
오기영 , 권기운 , 심종걸 , 김인순 , 박찬현 , 강종명 , 박한철 , 곽진영 , 고영혜 , 박문향 |
Abstract |
In recent years, the frequency of post-transplantation glomerulonephritis is increasing as the longevity of renal allograft is extending with new immunosuppres-sive agent. Herein we present 2 cases with IgA nephropathy recurred in renal transplant after long duration of normal function. Their original disease leading to end-stage renal disease was IgA hephropathy according to biopsy or clinical background, respectively. We advise that, in an occasion of hematuria, proteinuria or decreasing renal function in renal trans- plants, renal graft biopsy should be done to differentiate chronic rejection from post-transplantation glomer- ulonephritis. |