신이식후 신우방광문합술로 치료한 요관괴사 및 요루 1예 |
정영란 , 이태원 , 임천규 , 김명재 , 홍성화 , 주홍재 , 장성구 , 채수응 |
Abstract |
A case of a renal transplantation which was compli- cated by a necrosis of transplanted ureter was reported. A 32-year old woman received kidney transplantation from her mother. Post-transplant course had been un- eventful until twenty-five days later when she com- plained right lower abdominal pain, swelling and anuria. A large urinoma around a transplanted kidney was detected on and abdominal sonography. An emergency opeation confirmed a necrosis of transplanted ureter with disruption. Retrograde ureteral stent through blad- der was inserted, but anunia was persistent. So, necrotic tissue was removed and pelvocystostomy was perfor- med on reoperation. After then her clinical course was good with favorable renal function. We reported here this rare case. |