DDY 마우스를 이용한 실험적 IgA 신증에서 Cyclosporin A 투여에 의한 면역학적 및 조직학적 변화 |
정우영 , 이순용 , 임인숙 , 이선경 |
Abstract |
Ddy mice have been reported as a spontaneous animal model of IgA nephropathy after 40 weeks of age. To investigate the role of T lymphocyte in the pathogenesis of IgA nephropathy, we administered CsA (20 mg/kg) to 9 week old ddY mice intraperitoneally every other day until killed. Fifty ddY mice were divided into 2 groups as natural course group (NCG) and CsA injected group (CsAN). At 10, 17, 27 and 40 weeks of age 5 ddy mice of each groups were sacrificed. At 40 weeks of age, serum IgA level of both groups were increased, and CD3+ and CD4+ T lymphocyte were increased in NCG but were markedly decreased in CsAN compared to those of 10 weeks of age. In CsAN serum IgA level were lower than those of NCG. Histologically proliferation of measngial cells with increased mesangial matrix were observed in both groups but these changes were noted more prominent and frequent in CsAN. IF and EM findings also revealed the same results. These data suggest that decrease of CD4+ T lymphocyte may involve the inhibi- tion of increase serum IgA level, but it seems that serum IgA level has no correlation with the histopathologic alterations in ddY mice. |