신이식 후 혈청Ferritin 치의 변화 |
박상배 , 이수형 , 김현철 , 조나오현 , 박철희 , 전동석 |
Abstract |
A prospeetive study was made of the evolution of serum ferritin levels in 60 renal transplant recipients with good graft function (S. creatinine less than 2.0 mg/ dl at 3 month after transplantation). Age ranged from 15 to 58 years (mean±SD: 34±10). Mean duration of follow-up was 19.6±6.0 (12-33) months. The hemoglobin value increased sharply to normal value 3 months after transplantation with a slow but persistent rise until 12 months after transplantation (p < 0.001). Serum ferritin level rapidly decreased to normal range 6 months after transplantation with a continuous decrease until 18 months (p<0.001). High basal serum ferritin group (>350 ng/ml) showed a rapid decrease of serum ferritin levels until 9 months after transplantation and there after gradual decreas during follow-up periods. However, lower (<100 ng/ml) and normal (100-350 ng/ml) basal serum ferritin groups showed decreased serum ferritin levels abruptly within 3 -6 months after transplantation which correlated to a rising of hemoglobin values. We conclude that evolution of serum ferrifin levels after transplantation is mainly determined by the previ- ous state of iron storage and serum ferritin levels are a good indieator of body iron storage in renal transplant recipients. |