Korean Journal of Nephrology 1992;11(2):173-179.
만성 신부전증 환자에서 병발된 특발성 횡문근 융해증 1예
김성수 , 임규택 , 양철우 , 김석영 , 박인석 , 장윤식 , 방병기
We Report a case demonstrating superimposed acute renal failure associated with idiopathic rhabdomyolysis in a patient with chronie renal insufficiency. The renal function was rapidly deteriorated and the serum creatinine concentration increased from 5.2 to 9.7 mg/dl, while she complained of extreme pain and weakness in both lower extremities at 9th hospital day without any identifiable causes. The laboratory data including in- creased muscle enzymes such as CK, LDH, SGOT, posi- tive tests for serum and urine myoglobin, increased uptake of bone scan and pathologic findings of muscle biopsy were consistent with rhabdomyolysis. The cause of rhabdomyolysis was idiopathic, because she had no history of trauma, shock, seizure, strenous exercise, drug or alcohol abuse, prolonged immobilization, viral infection and severe electrolytes disturbances. After 6 sessions of hemodialysis, her renal function was recover- ed to previous level with improvement of clinical evi- dences of rhabdomyolysis
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