만성 신부전 환자에서의 혈장 수용성 Interleukin - 2 수용체 |
김향인 , 김광호 , 주용진 , 이영수 , 김경수 , 최영숙 , 허억 |
Abstract |
To evaluate the changes of immune system in CRF patients, plasma sll-2R level was measured in 10 healthy controls, 6 CRF patients not on hemodialysis (HD), 9 CRF patients on HD at pre and post HD using cupro- phane (CUP) dialyzer and 8 CRF patients on HD at pre HD and post HD using polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) dialyzer. Serum sIL-2R level was measured using human-IL-2 receptor ELISA kit (Boehringer Man- nheim Biochmical, Germany). The results were as follow: plasma sIL-2R level was 274±108.7 pmol/L in CRF patients not on HD, 345±50. 3 pmol/L in patients on HD usuing CUP dialyzer, 352. 5±58.7 pmol/l in patients on HD using PMMA dialyzer and 124.8±40.2pmol/L in healthy controls. On conclusion, serum sIL-2R level was higher in CRF patients than in healthy controls. Among the CRF patients serum sIL-2R level was higher in patients on HD than in patients not on HD(P<0.05). There were no difference between pre and post HD, the group using CUP dialyzer and PMMA dialyzer. |