만성 신부전 환자에서의 혈청 C - reactive Protein에 관한 연구 |
김남호 , 김수완 , 유기섭 , 박종욱 , 박광기 , 문경협 , 강영준 |
Abstract |
Background C-reactive protein (CRP), acute phase reactant, is elevated in patients receiving hemodialysis, and the mechanism may be secondary to the actions of cytokines in CAPD (continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis) induced peritonitis. Methods .' The authors studied the comparison of the serum CRP levels before and after hemodialysis, the correlation between the serum CRP, ESR levels and leukocyte counts of peritoneal dialysates in CAPD in- duced peritonitis. The serum CRP levels were checked by turbidiimmunoassay in 10 controls, 22 patients who have received hemodialysis, 20 patients with CAPD induced peritonitis. Results '. 1) The serum CRP levels in the control group were 0. 6±0.2 mg/dl. 2) In patients receiving hemodialysis, tbe serum CRP levels before and after hemodialysis were 0.6±0.1 mg/dl and 0.7±0.1 mg/dl, respectively. 3) At the second day after CAPD induced peritonitis, rapid increment of serum CRP levels @(7.8@k7.4 mg/dl), and significant decrement (2.9±2.3 mg/dl) at the 5th day of peritonitis were demonstrated (p<0.05). And also, there was increment of the leukocyte counts in per itoneal dialysate at the 1st day (1360±1175/ml), and decrement at the 5th day (131±72/ml). 4) At the 1st day of peritonitis, the correlation coefficient between the dialysate leukocyte counts and serum ESR levels was 0.83 (p< 0.03) and serum CRP levels was 0.92 (p<0.01), respectively. At the 5th day of peritonitis, the former was decreased to 0.49 (p<0.1), the latter was decreased to 0.68 (p<0.05). Conelusion '. From above, serum CRP might be useful for prognostic test in CAPD induced peritonitis. |