만성 신부전 환자에서의 혈액 글루타치와농치아 적혈구 항산화효소 활성도 변화 |
임현성 , 정종훈 , 문철웅 |
Abstract |
Background The development of uremic symptoms in patients with chronic renal failure is related to the decreased RBC antioxidants activities. So, we perfomed this study to observe the degree of blood glutathione synthesis in patients with chronic renal failure, and to investigate the relationship between the levels of blood glutathione and the enzyme activities of antioxidants. Methods '. The levels of blood glutathione, RBC antioxidants (e.g., superoxide dismutase, catalase) and glutathione related enzymes activities were examined in twenty one patients with chronic renal failure undergo- Ing maintenance hemodialysis on two to three days interval (CRF group) and fifteen normal control group (control group). Result: The levels of blood total glutathione was significantly decreased in CRF group and the levels of blood reduced glutathione (GSH) was decreased compared to control group, but the alteration of red blood cell (RBC) SOD, catalase and glutathione peroxidase activities were not statically significant. Glutathione S- transferase, one of the glutathione related enzymes, activity was significantly increased in CRF group, but the other enzymes of those were not significantly different. Conclusion .' These results suggest that the decreased levels of blood total glutathione and reduced glutath- ione due to the decreased glutathione synthesis and increased utilization of reduced glutathione, probably contribute to increased peroxidative damage to cells in patients with chronic renal failure. |