빈혈이 합병된 혈액 투석중인 만성 신부전증 환자의 적혈구 항산화계의 변화 |
김원식 , 정종훈 |
Abstract |
Backgroand: The decreased antioxidant system contribute to peroxidative damage of erythrocyte and change of malondialdehyde level in chronic renal failure patients. This study took aim to investigate an eryth- rocyte antioxidant system in ehronic renal failure patients and changes of erythrocyte antioxidant system after erythropoietin therapy. Methods: The levels of erythrocyte glutathione, glutathione transferase, SH gorup, catalase and malon- dialdehyde were examined in twenty-one patients with chronic renal failure undergoing maintenance hemodialysis and sixteen normal control gorup. Result: The levels of erythrocyte total glutathione and total SH group were significantly decreased and malondialdehyde level was significantly incerased in CRF patients, but levels of catalase, glutathione transferase and non protein SH group were not changed. Above changes were not different from patients group with erythropoietin treatment and patients group without any treatment for anemia. Conclusion: These results suggest that decreased levels of erythrocyte antioxidant system may play an important role in peroxidative damage of erythrocyte and this may be cause of anemia in uremic patient, but erythropoietin therapy does not exert any influence on antioxidant system of erythrocyte in uremic patient. |