Korean Journal of Nephrology 1993;12(3):420-425.
신이식후 발생한 악성조양 10예
진동찬 , 윤영석 , 윤선애 , 김용수 , 방병기 , 고용복
It is well known that there is marked increase of malignacy incidence after allograft transplantion, upto 100 times higher than general population. At the end of 1991, there were about 2,400 functioning renal transplant recipients in Korea, who were received immunosuppressive medication and prone to develop malignancy. We had diagnosed 10 cases (1.2%) of malignancies among the 820 renal transplant recipients from 1969 to 1992 in cathalic Medical Center. Seven men and three women recipients were diagnosed as four stomach car- cinoma, two malignant lymphoma, one cervix car- cinoma, one adult type Wilms' tumor, one large cell lung carcinoma, one cervix carcinoma and one skin carcinoma. The duration from transpfantation to diagnosis were 6 to 169 months (median 52 months). 3 cases were managed with Aza and PDN, 5 cases with CsA and PDN and 1 case with triple regimens. The therape@utic results were five alive with functioning graft and five death (one death caused by uremia and four deaths associated with malignancy). As increase of kidney transplantation and prolonga- tion of the survival, the overall number of immunosup- pressed allograft recipents increases rapidly. Early detection and proper therapeutic strategy of malig- nancies for these patients must be well established.
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