특발성 부움직이 환자의 임상적 고찰 |
차미경 , 양동호 , 홍세용 |
Abstract |
Background In many cases, it clinically happens idiopathic edema without causative disease though, there are diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties which is attributable to deficiency of successive studies and investigations. Our study was undertaken to evaluate cause of idiopathic edema by measuring renal function and hormonal status contrast to control group. Methods .' After cardiovascular, renal, hepatic, thyroid and allergic disease were excluded, patient group with recurrent and cyclic edema was compared with control group about serum renin, aldosterone, 24 hour urine osmolarity, Na', 17-ketosteroid, 17-hydroxycor- ticosteroid and filtered excretion of sodium (FENa). Result:. 1) There was high incidence of idiopathic edema in circumstance exposed to emotional stress. 2) Compared to control groups, patient with idiopathic edema showed a significantly increase of sodium excretion in 24 hours urine (p<0.05), but had no tendency to increase filtered excretion of sodium (FENa). 3) There was no significant difference between the two groups in the serum renin, serum aldosterone, 24 hours urine 17-ketosteroid and 17-hydroxycorticosteroid. Conclusion .' It is therefore possible to speculate that excessive sodium intake may be responsible for the idiopathic edema because the amount of urinary sodium excretion represents the amount of sodium intake. |