Korean Journal of Nephrology 1993;12(3):488-494.
소세포 폐암 및 재발하는 다발성 하지 동맥혈전증을 동반한 막성신증 1예
정윤철 , 임춘수 , 주권욱 , 안규리 , 한진석 , 김성권 , 이정상 , 임정기 , 박재형 , 박인애 , 김용일
We experienced a case of nephrotic syndrome with recurrent multiple arterial thromboses in the lower extremities, later confirmed as membranous ne- phropathy associated with small cell lung cancer. He was admitted to Seoul National University Hospital due to multiple left lower extremity arterial thromboses 25 days after the development of nephrotic syndrome. Thomboses and subsequent ischemic necrosis progres- sed in spite of two times of thrombectomy. So we amputated the left leg above knee. The kidney biopsy revealed membranous nephropathy without any evi- dence of systemic causes induding malignancy. During the second admission due to the recurrent multiple arterial thromboses of right lower extremity, right lung mass and pleural effusion appeared in the simple chest film and chest CT. We confimed small cell lung cancer by fine needle aspiration cytologic examination. We emphasize the possibility of the associated hidden car- cinoma should be studied thoroughly in the patients with membranous nephropathy, nephrotic syndrome and recurrent multiple arterial thromboses and in those who have symptoms and signs hard to explain by membra- nous nephropathy and nephrotic syndrome alone.
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