Korean Journal of Nephrology 1994;13(3):472-477.
혈액투석 환자에서 혈청 알루미늄 농도에 영향을 미치는 인자에 대한 임상적 고찰
이종규 , 양철우 , 이승헌 , 윤선애 , 안석주 , 우제영 , 김용수 , 방병기
This study was performed to evaluate the aluminium concentration in patients udergoing hemodialysis and the risk factors that may lead to aluminium overload in. 65 patients udergoing hemodialysis (mean age 46 years, mean dialysis duration 35 month). The results were as follows 1) The mean serum aluminium levels in patients udergoing hemodialysis were 29.9±18.1 pg/L. 2) The mean tap water aluminium levels were 5.5±2. 2 mg/L, and the mean aluminiumium levels in dialysate (acetate, bicarbonate) were less than 10 mg/L. 3) Mean serum aluminium levels were well correlated with duration of hemodialysis (r=0.32, P=0.01). 4) The serum alumi@nium levels in patients taking phosphate-binding aluminium gels were higher than the calcium containing gels (37.1±17.1 vs. 22.1±11.2, p=0. 0003). 5) low-dose DFO test was performed in 4 patients, and two case showed positive results. In conclusion, serum aluminium levels are elevated in patients long term hemodialysis and taking phosphate -binding gel. However, diagnostic values of low-dose DFO test in aluminium overload needs combined study of bone histology and more cases.
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