Korean Journal of Nephrology 1994;13(3):505-512.
그람 음성균주에 의한 CAPD 복막염의 임상적 고찰
박성배 , 박용일 , 주일 , 박근용 , 김현철
We experienced 56 episodes of CAPD peritonitis caused by gramnegative organism, which accounted for 22,4% of all episodes of peritonits at Keimyung University Hospital from 1988 to 1992. Among the Gram-negative organisms. Pseudomonas species (23,2%) and Acinetobacter species (21.4%) were the two most frequent etiologies, followed by E. coli (17.8%), Enterobacter (12.5%) and Serratia (7.1%) species in decreasing order of frequency. Cramping abdominal pain was found in all cases, abdominal tenderness in 87%, rebound tenderness in 46.6% fever in 33 9%, nausea in 21.4% and vomiting in 7.8%, Peritoneal catheters had to be removed in 53.6%(30 of 56) of Gram-negative CAPD peritonitis. Among them, three patients were underwent laparotomy due to intra-abdominal abscess formation and peritoneal adhesion. It was necessary to remove the peritoneal catheter in all cases (100%) by Serratia species, in 69.2% by Pseudomonas species, in 50% by E. coli, Acinetobacter, Citroacter and Prot idencia. There were eight peritonitis-related death, and sepsis was the most frequent cause of death among these patients. We conclude that early catheter removal and/ or exploratory laparotomy are necessary whenever clinical signs of Gram-negative CAPD peritonitis do not clear within 48 hours of initiating therapy.
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