Korean Journal of Nephrology 1994;13(3):560-568.
Henoch - Schonlein 자반증 200예에 관한 고찰
전혜원 , 노요안 , 곽현주 , 유기환 , 김순겸
A clinical study on the 200 cases of Henoch-Schonlein purpura in children was made. The results are as followings: 1) The most of cases were seen in the age group of 4 -9 years (66.5%), with the peak incidence in 6-7 year old group (27%). 2) 104 cases were males and 96 cases females. 3) The peak of seasonal incidence was seen in spring (38%) and autumn (25.5%.). 4) The main prodromal illnesses were upper respira- tory tract infections (37.5%) and gastritis (6.3%). 102 cases had not prodromal illness. 5) The main clinical manifestations were skin rash (100 %), abdominal (78. 5%), j oint (50%), urinary (34%), genital (7.5%.) & neurologic symptoms (12.5%). 6) Common type of skin rashes were maculopapular rash, petechiae and purpura on the lower extremities. 7) The most common type of gastrointestinal symp- tom was abdominal pain (69.5%). 22 cases showed abnormal gastrofiberscopic findings among 32 cases who were taken gastrofiberscopy. 8) Frequently involved joints were the knee (41,5%), and ankle (34.8%). 9) Urinary symptoms were microscopic hematuria (29%), proteinuria (20.5%), gross hematuria (5.5%). There were 2 cases of grade II & 3 cases of grade III Henoch-Schonlein purpura nephritis by classification of ISKDC and Meadow. 10) There was a case of testicular torsin (0.5%) among 200 cases. 11) Common neurologic symptoms were headache (10%) & irritability (3,5%). And 6 cases of abnormal EEG were found among 13 cases who were taken EEG. 12) 26 cases (13%) were recurred and 1 cases (0.5%) was expired.
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