신증후성 출혈열 환자에서 유식세포분석기를 이용한 림프구 아형에 대한 연구 |
이창환 , 고정곤 , 임성희 , 김원 , 박성광 , 강성귀 , 이대열 |
Abstract |
Korean hemorrhagic fever, known as hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, is an acute infectious disease caused by Hantaan virus. Pathogenesis of Korean hemorrhagic fever (KHF) is not clearly delineated to date. Recently the immunologic mechanisms of KHF have been investigated by many authors. To clearify the role of immunemechanism in the pathogenesis of KHF, lymphocyte subsets were mea- sured by Flow cytomerty in the peripheral blood with 8 patients during the acute phase of KHF and 10 months later. During the acute phase of KHF the percentage of CD4 decreased and CDS and activated T cell increased significantly compared to 10 months later of acute phase of KHF. These results suggest that variation of lymphoctye subsets distribution occurred in acute phase of KHF and it may be related to pathogenesis of KHF. |