원발성 혈소판 증다증에 동반된 신혈관성 고혈압 |
이중건 , 정우경 , 오국환 , 김연수 , 안규리 , 한진석 , 김성권 , 이정상 , 박재형 , 김상준 , 김용일 |
Abstract |
Primary thrombocythemia is a myeloproliferative disorder with markedly increased production of platelet and is frequently associated with thromboembolic and hemorrhagic complications. We report a case of pri- mary thrombocythemia associated with renovascular hypertension. In this patient, primary thrombocythemia was diagnosed with peripheral blood count, bone marrow examination and platelet function test, and renovascular hypertension was confirmed by aogiogram, and renaJ vein renin activities which were lateralized to the right kidney. Aorto-renal bypass graft was done, and open biopsy showed renal infarction and mesaogial proliferative glomerulopathy. It was suggested that increased platelet number may play a role in renal artery stenosis in this case, and primary thrombocythemia can be considered as a rare condition among the differential diagnosis of renovascular hypertension. |