Korean Journal of Nephrology 1994;13(3):638-642.
혈액투석 환자에서의 복강내 신경초종에 의한 적혈구증다증 1예
송준호 , 권계숙 , 이기훈 , 김문재
Erythropoietin (EPO) is a glycoprotein hormon that control red blood cell production by stimulating the proliferation and differentiation of erythroid progenitor cells. Several tumors, such as renal cell carcinoma, polycystic kidney, nephroblastoma and other few kind of tumors are known to produce EPO and manifest erythrocytosis as a paraneoplastic syndrome. But there is no reported cases about EPO producing neurilem- moma around the world. We have expierienced a 34 year-old hemodialysis patient with increased hemoglobin and elevated serum EPO level. The patient had typical uremic anemia at the time of initial diagnosis of chronic renal failure. But hemoglobin became to increase, with growing of intraabdominal tumor, to 15.2 gm/dl at the time of tumor resection. Serum EPO level measured by RIA was 224 mIU/dl. The tumor was confirmed as a neurilem- moma in histopathologic examination. Serum EPO level and hemoglobin decreased to 72 mIU/ml and 7.4 gm/dl two months after tumor resection. Now, the patient is followed up with the supportive treatment for anemia
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