PCR로 진단된 CAPD환자의 결핵성 복막염 2예 |
이상철 , 최승옥 , 김효열 , 한병근 , 이주용 , 신승준 , 이광훈 |
Abstract |
PCR (polymerase chain reaction) applied to not only the identification of mutations in well-known and fully sequenced human genes, inherited diseases but also infectious diseases. Generally, PCR is a rapid and highly sensitive method for diagnosis of infectious diseases. Because of the apparent high frequency of tuberulosis occuring in patients seen in our countries, we emphasize much more the efforts in differentiating tuberculosis and others type of peritonitis patients undergoing CAPD. We experienced two cases with tuberculosis peritoni- tis undergoing CAPD caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis were diagnosed by use of PCR and report with review of literatures. |