과도한 수의운동으로 발생한 횡문근융해증에 의한 급성신부전 1예 |
신승준 , 한병근 , 김효열 , 김준명 , 이주용 , 최승옥 , 이광훈 , 정순희 |
Abstract |
Rhabdomyolysis may be defined as a clinical and laboratory syndrome resulting from skeletal muscle injury with release of muscle cell contents into the plasma. It can be the result of many diverse causes including direct muscle injury, excessive muscle activity, ischemia, immunological disease, metabolic dis- orders, drugs, toxins, infections, and genetic disorders. Report of acute renal failure after exercise-related rhabdomyolysis with myoglobinemia are rare, espe- cially among civillian. We report a case of acute renal failure caused by exercise-related rhabdomyolysis with myoglobinemia following swimming in a 29 year old man. |