급성 신부전증이 동반된 살모넬라증 1예 |
임장근 , 장용우 , 김미옥 , 강천수 , 이성주 |
Abstract |
Salmonellosis is clinical syndrome, it is formed ty- phoid fever, acute gastroenteritis, sepsis, focal infection and irreversible intestinal carrier in a man. Many cases were reported about complication of typhoid fever, such as intestinal perforation, intestinal hemorrhage, pneu- monia, hepatitis, myocarditis, but a few was reported only about acute renal failure in salmonellosis. 55 years old female patient who has clinical course of salmonellosis, it turned out significant findings of salmonella nephritis after renal biopsy, and also turned out salmonella group C after stool examination. The review of the literature was made briefly, |