Korean Journal of Nephrology 1995;14(4):465-472.
소아기 신성 급성신부전의 예후에 관한 임상적 고찰
정창균 , 이익희 , 차성호 , 조병수
To investigate the prognostic factors in childhood acute renal failure, we reviewed the medical records of 59 patients with ARF who had been admitted to Kyung Hee Medical center since January 1990 until Decernber 1994. The inclusion criteria of ARF are as follows 1)serum creatinine level > 1(mg/dl) 2)FENa > 3 in neonates and both 1), 2) > 1 in after neonatal period. Of the 59 patients, 36 were male and 23 were female. Twenty five cases were developed during neonatal period. The underlying diseases were neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, sepsis and neonatal asphyxia in order of frequency in neonatal period. Mortality rate between oliguric and non- oiguric ARF were similar in neonatal period, how- ever oliguric ARF showed higher mortality after neonatal period. Patients with hyperkalernia, hyper- natremia and high negative base excess showed higher mortality. In conclusion, most cases of child- hood ARF were developed during neonatal period and more vigorous and active approaches are mandatory.
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