혈액투석 환자에서 말초 정맥법과 저혈류량법에 따른 재순환율의 비교 |
박철수 , 김태연 , 이종규 , 이승헌 , 양철우 , 구완서 , 최의진 , 방병기 |
Abstract |
The rate of recirculation is an important variable in calculating the correct dose of dialysis delivered to a patient. Traditionally it is calculated using blood results obtained from the arterial and venous lines and from venous puncture of the opposite arm. A two needle method that avoids this venipuncture by using an "arterial" line sample from the access under low-flow conditions has been recommended. However, this technique has never been assessed in Korea. We compared this low-flow arterial technique to the standard method of measuring recirculation in 51 patients receiving hemodialysis. Recirculation calculated by two needle method was well correlated with a standard three needle method. In addition, fistula site, type, Hematocrit level and venous pre- ssure, did not affect the difference of two rnethod.In conclusions the two needle method provides a convenient alternative to the standard three needle method for determining recirculation. |