Korean Journal of Nephrology 1998;17(2):299-310.
지속성 외래 복막투석 환자에서 경구 영양음료 투여에 의낳 영양보충의 효과
이인희 , 강신욱 , 노현진 , 신석균 , 최규헌 , 하성규 , 아호영 , 한대석 , 이승민 , 조은영 , 이종호
Protein-calorie malnutrition is common in CAPD patients and is associated with increased morbidity and moitality. To evaluate the effect of an oral nutritional supplement(Greenbia RD, DR. CHUNGS FOOD CO., LTD, Seoul, Korea) providing 800Cal and 24g of protein daily in addition to their usual diet on the nutritional status, we conducted a prospective study in malnourished CAPD patients (N=26). Subjects were randomised into 2 groups' group I(N=15) taking Greenbia RD" for 3 months, group II(N=11) as control. In group I, the data of 12 patients who completed the 3-months study period were analyzed. There were no statistically significant changes in biochemical parameters including total protein, serum albumin, prealbumin, transfemn during the study period in both groups, but IGF-I increased significantly in group I (129.2± 88.8 vs. 174.1± 109.3ng/mL, P<0.05). Total calorie (1349±272 vs. 1720±251CaVday, P<0.05) and protein intake(1.05±0.29 vs. 1.2±40.25g/kg/day, P<0.05) as- sessed by 72-hours dietary recall method increased significantly in group I with oral supplement. Body weight(52.4±8.3 vs. 54.2±8.8kg, P
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