원저 : 지속적 외래 복막투석 중인 말기 신부전 환자들에서의 수근관 증후군 (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Chronic Renal Failure Patients Undergoing Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis(CAPD)) |
하정수(Jung Su Ha),이홍기(Hong Gi Lee),윤혁진(Hyeok Jin Yoon),김양욱(Yang Wook Kim),김영훈(Yeong Hoon Kim),박인선(In Sun Park) |
Abstract |
Background Carpal tunnel syndrome(CTS) is a long-term complication in dialysis patients which re- sults from compression of the median nerve within the carpal tunnel. It has been reported to occur with increased frequency in the hemodialysis population, but, there are few reports concering long-term com- plications in CAPD because of the relatively shorter duration of dialysis in most CAPD patients. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of CTS in patients undergoing CAPD. Methods : We analyzed 21 chronic renal failure (CRF) patients(males 14, females 7; age range 19-79 yr) undergoing CAPD. The patients were evaluated by questionnare, physical examination, and nerve conduction test(NCT). Age, gender, duration of CRF before CAPD, duration of CAPD, diabetic history were determined. Results: Among the total 21 patients undergoing CAPD, only 5 patients(24%) were CTS, diagnosed by NCT. Two of these patients were symptomatic CTS, three patients were non-symptomtic CTS. So, there were no relationship between the incidence of CTS and clinical symptoms. Among the diabetic dialysis patients, the incidence of CTS was 28.57%. Also there was no increase in the number of diatetic patients with CTS. Conclusion: It is concluded that the incidence of CTS in CAPD patients was similar with the previous reported incidence(2-31%) of hemodialysis patients. Since CTS is treatable, annual or even semiannual nerve conduction tests is indicated all CRF patients on chronic dialysis. |