원저 : 유지혈액투석 환자들의 영양상태에 대한 Subjective Global Assessment 의 유용성 (Subjective Global Assessment of Nutrition in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients) |
김재희(Jae Hi Kim),김성록(Sung Rok Kim) |
Abstract |
Protein and energy malnutrition are common in dialysis patients. Nutritional assessment is of great importance because undernutrition has been shown to be associated with increased morbidity and mor- tality in both hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. To validate subjective global assessment(SGA) in di- alysis patients we compared subjective global assessment with objective measurements(anthropometry, bioelectrical impedance, biochemical measurements) in 54 chronic hemodialysis patients. We divided pa- tients into three groups(SGA1, SGA2, SGA3) according to modified subjective global assessment performed by an observer. Body weight, %IBW, BMI, TSF, MAC, nPCR were different significantly among three groups. SGA was related objective rneasurements such as body weight, %IBW, BMI, %Fat, TSF, MAC, nPCR(p<0.001). Multiple regression analysis showed that the relationship of SGA(as a dependent variable) with objective measurement(covariate) was stronger(multiple r=0.789, R²=60%) than the relationship found with univariate analysis. In other words, since no single objective method can be considered a gold standard of nutritional assessment, our data show that subjective global assessment is a clinically adequate rnethod for assessing nutritional status in maintenance hemodialysis patients. |