Korean Journal of Nephrology 2001;20(2):290-297.
원저 : 단기간의 혈액투석 전 운동이 말기 신장질환 환자의 신체적 , 정신적 기능에 미치는 효과 (Endurance Exercise Training before Hemodialysis : An Effective Therapeutic Modality for End - stage Renal Disease Patients)
이영규(Young Kyu Lee),김찬(Chan Kim),표재환(Jae Hwan Pyo),김철현(Chul Hyun Kim),지준원(Jun Won Ji)
Forty-six patients receiving maintenance conventional" hemodialysis were studied before and after a 12-week conditioning program to determine the effects of physiologic and psychosocial functions. The subjects were assigned at random to either a exercise(n=25) or a control group(n=21). The subjects in the exercise group performed a combination of bicycle ergometry and treadmill walking two or four times a week for a total exercise time of 10-40 min per session. A low-level graded exercise treadmill stress test(GXT) were administered before and after training. Hematological and serum lipid profiles were also determined before and after training. Following training, there were improvements in physical work capacity(PWC) for the GXT(p<0.05). Also there was increase in physical fitness(p<0.05) compared with control. Although no significant differences in lowdensity-lipoprotein cholesterol, high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride, significant difference was observed for total cholesterol. Additionally, no significant changes were seen in hematological parameters, but psychosocial functions improved significantly after training. This study demonstrated that exercise training before hemodialysis can improve exercise capacities, physiologic and psychosocial functioning in endstage renal disease patients. Thus, exercise training seems to have beneficial effects on physiologic and psychosocial functioning in hemodialysis patients, and should be considered as a therapeutic modality for their medical management and rehabilitation.
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