원저 : 혈액투석 중인 만성 신부전 환자에서 엽산 투여 후 고호모시스테인 혈증의 반응 (Original articles : Response of Hyperhomocysteinemia to Folic Acid Supplementation in Hemodialysis Patients) |
이승일(Seung Il Lee),정종훈(Jong Hoon Chung) |
Abstract |
Background : Hyperhomocysteinemia is a common finding in patients with end-stage renal disease and has been recognized as an independent risk factor for atherosclerotic disease in the coronary, cerebral, and peripheral vasculature. Although treatment with folic acid is known to be effective method for decreasing plasma homocysteine of hemodialysis patients in many studies, there are no controlled data for long term treatment. The present study is aimed to assess clinical response of folic acid administration for 12 weeks. Methods : 38 patients undergoing hemodilaysis were supplemented with 5 mg folic acid daily for 12 weeks and were observed for next 12 weeks after stopping folic acid. We measured plasma homocysteine and folic acid concentration every 2 weeks during treatment and every 4 week for next 12 weeks after stopping folic acid. Results : Baseline Plasma homocysteine concentration in hemodialysis patients was higher than normal control. In hemodialysis paient with folic acid administrtion(5 mg/day), significant decrease in plasma homocysteine concentration was noted after 2 week(27.8%, p<0.005) and normalization of plasma homocysteine concentration was noted in 14 of 38 patient(37%) at 12 weeks. After stopping folic acid, plasma homocycteine concentration increased to baseline concentration at 8 weeks. There were no significant complications except mild nausea, vomiting during treatment. Conclusion : These result indicate that relatively long term treatment of 5 mg daily folic acid in hemodialysis patient cause a more normalization of plasma homocysteine concentration than other short term studies. (Korean J Nephrol 2002;21(1):6-11) |