원저 : 지속적 신대체요법 ( Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy ) 을 시행 받은 환자들의 임상적 특성에 대한 연구 (Original articles : The Clinical Characteristics of Patients Treated with Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy) |
강영선(Young Sun Kang),이소영(So Young Lee),한상엽(Sang Youp Han),조상경(Sang Kyung Jo),신진호(Jin Ho Shin),차대룡(Dae Ryong Cha),권영주(Young Joo Kwon),조원용(Won Yong Cho),표희정(Hee Jung Pyo),김형규(Hyoung Kyu Kim) |
Abstract |
Purpose : Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) has been developed and it has advantages, although the patients receiving CRRT still have a high mortality. This study was designed to compare the clinical characteristics of patients treated with CRRT between survivors and non-survivors. Methods : From May 1992 to February 2000, continuous venovenous hemofiltration(CVVH) treatment was applied to 51 patients. Underlying disease, duration of CVVH treatment, blood pressure before and after the treatment were reviewed and APACHE III score, number of organ failures, blood pressure at the begining were compared between two groups. Results : The average age was 56.3±15.6 years and the mortality was 86.3%(44 patients). The comorbid conditions were sepsis (66.7% of total patients), hepatic failure(33.3%), congestive heart failure(17.6%) and adult respiratory distress syndrome(9.8%). Mean arterial pressure(MAP) at the begining was 66.9±19.7 mmHg and MAP 2 hours after the treatment was 59.3±21.5 mmHg(p=0.076). APACHE III score was 59.5±13.5 in non-survivors and 56.0±20.9 in survivors and mean number of organ failures was 2.63±0.98 in non-survivors and 1.68±1.34 in survivors, but there was no difference between two groups(p=0.072). MAP at begining was significantly higher in survivors than that of non-survivors(87.86±23.15 vs. 63.49±17.04)(p=0.002). Conclusion : Most of the patients receiving CVVH have more than two organ failures. There were no significant difference in the number of organ failures and APACHE III score between survivor group and non-survivor group. It may be due to underlying disease of patients that MAP at the begining was lower in non-survivors than survivors. APACHE III score would not be a good prognostic predictor. (Korean J Nephrol 2002;21(1):93-101) |