Korean Journal of Nephrology 2007;26(5):637-640.
Spontaneous Subcapsular Hematoma of the Liver in a Patient on Maintenance Hemodialysis
Bok Jin Hyoung, M.D., Eun Sook Kim, M.D., Hee Yeon Lee, M.D., Ji Han Yu, M.D. Hye Eun Yoon, M.D., Chul Woo Yang, M.D., Yong Su Kim, M.D. and Byung Kee Bang, M.D.
Department of Internal Medicine, Kangnam St. Marys Hospital, College of Medicine The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea
혈액 투석 환자에서 발생한 자발성 간피막하 혈종 1예
형복진 김은숙 이희연 유지한 윤혜은 양철우 김용수 방병기
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 강남성모병원 내과학교실
Spontaneous bleeding in various parts of the body has been reported in patients receiving maintenance hemodialysis, but reports on spontaneous subcapsular hematoma of the liver are scarce. We present a case of spontaneous subcapsular hematoma of the liver which developed in a 53-year-old man with maintenance hemodialysis. He was admitted to our hospital with epigastric pain and abnormal liver function test. On abdominal computed tomographic (CT) scan, a large, well-defined subcapsular mass of the liver with a density consistent with blood was observed. We performed embolization of the bleeding vessel and percutaneous drainage of the hematoma. Five months later, follow up abdominal CT scan revealed a moderate reduction of the subcapsular hematoma. In conclusion, the possibility of spontaneous hematoma of the liver should be considered in hemodialysis patients with epigastric pain, unexplained anemia and abnormal liver function.
Key Words: Hemodialysis, Hematoma, Liver

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