The Clinical Outcome of Acute Renal Failure Requiring Hemodialysis
after Coronary Intervention in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease |
Young Hwan Lim, M.D., Hae Won Jung, M.D., Yu-Ji Lee, M.D., Na Ree Kang, M.D., Jung Eun Lee, M.D., Wooseong Huh, M.D., Ha Young Oh, M.D., Yoon Goo Kim, M.D. and Dae Joong Kim, M.D. |
Department of Medicine, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, Korea |
원저 : 만성 신질환 환자에서 관상동맥 조영술 후 투석이 필요한 급성 신부전증의 임상상 |
임영환․정혜원․이유지․강나리․이정은․허우성․오하영․김윤구․김대중 |
성균관대학교 의과대학 삼성서울병원 신장내과 |
Key Words:
Coronary angiography, Contrast media, Acute renal failure, Dialysis |