A Case of Anuric Acute Renal Failure, Acute Hepatitis and
Rhabdomyolysis occurred after Carp Bile Ingestion |
Gu Hyun Kang, M.D., Geon Tae Park, M.D., Jun Whee Song, M.D., Ji En Lee, M.D., Jae Gon Woo, M.D., Sung Cho, M.D. and Sung Rok Kim, M.D. |
Department of Internal Medicine, Masan Samsung Hospital, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea |
증례 :잉어 담즙 생식 후 병발된 무뇨성 급성신부전과
급성간염 및 횡문근융해증 1예 |
강구현․박건태․송준휘․이지은․우재곤․조 성․김성록 |
성균관대학교 의과대학 마산삼성병원 신장내과 |
Key Words:
Carps, Acute renal failure, Hepatitis, Rhabdomyolysis |