Korean Journal of Nephrology 2008;27(1):141-144.
Plasmodium vivax Infection Accompanied by Acute Renal Failure
Byung Ha Chung, M.D.1, Tae Jun Hwang, M.D.1 , Sei Won Lee, M.D.1 Sang Eun Lee, M.D.1, Ho Sik Shin, M.D.1 and Dae Dong Lee, M.D.2
Department of Internal Medicine1 and Laboratory Medicine2 The Armed Forces Yang-ju Hospital
증례 : 급성 신부전이 합병된 Plasmodium vivax 말라리아 1예
국군 양주병원 내과1, 진단 검사학과2
Malaria is one of the most important parasitic infection in the world. Four species of the genus Plasmodium cause nearly all malarial infections in humans, but the clinical features vary according to the causative species. Among them, Plasmodium falcifarum malaria is associated with numerous complications such as renal failure, cerebral malaria, and DIC, but Plasmodium vivax malaria usually has benign course. The proposed mechanism is blockage of microcirculation to vital organ by equestration of parasitized erythrocytes. In Korea, for recent 20 years, there have been increasing numbers of malaria infection especially at North area of Geonggi-do. But serious complications in association with Plasmodium vivax malaria are rarely reported. Recently we experienced a case of Plasmodium vivax infection complicated by acute renal failure and report it with literature review.
Key Words: Acute renal failure, Plasmodium vivax

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