A Case of Chronic Renal Failure in a Polydipsic Schizophrenic Patient caused by Chronic Anticholinergic Therapy |
Il Young Chon, M.D., Dong Joon Oh, M.D., Seung-Jin Choi, M.D., Ji-Young Kim, M.D., Keryun Ahn, M.D., Won Joon Lee, M.D., Ji-Yeon Lee, M.D., Haeri Baek, M.D., Eunji Lee, M.D., Sangwon Han, M.D., Chan Bok Lee M.D., Sang Eun Park, M.D. and Byoungkook Im, M.D |
Department of Internal Medicine, Sam Anyang Hospital, Anyang, Gyeonggi-do, Korea |
증례 : 다음증을 동반한 정신분열증 환자에서 항콜린성 약물 복용 중 발생한 만성 신부전 1례 |
전일영, 오동준, 최승진, 김지영, 안계련, 이원준, 이지연, 백혜리, 이은지, 한상원, 이찬복, 박상은, 임병국 |
샘안양병원 내과학교실 |
Abstract |
Anticholinergic drugs block muscarinic receptors at the detrusor muscle of the bladder. It can cause urinary retention by contracting the bladder neck. Cases of hydronephrosis, bladder dilatation as a result of polydipsia while taking anticholinergic drugs have been reported, but very few cases of chronic renal failure can be found. We report a case of a polydipsic schizophrenic patient who, after taking anticholinergic drugs as antipsychotic drugs to treat his schizophrenia for a long time, presented with chronic renal failure due to functional obstructive uropathy in the absence of demonstrable anatomic causes of obstruction. |
Key Words:
Anticholinergics, Chronic renal failure, Urinary retention |