A Case of Anti-Glomerular Basement Membrane Disease Improved by Early Plasmapheresis and Immunosuppression Therapy |
Jee-Hyun Kim, M.D.1, Sun Jin You, M.D.1, Jun-Sung Park, M.D.1, Chang Hwa Lee, M.D.1, Gheun-Ho Kim, M.D.1, Chong Myung Kang, M.D.1, So Dug Lim, M.D.2, Jong-Ho Lee, M.D.3 |
Department of Internal Medicine1 Hanyang University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea Department of Pathology2 Internal Medicine3 Konkuk University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea |
증례 : 혈장교환술과 면역억제제 치료로 호전된 항사구체기저막 항체질환 1예 |
김지현1, 유선진1, 박준성1, 이창화1, 김근호1, 강종명1, 임소덕2, 이종호3 |
한양대학교 의과대학 내과학교실1, 건국대학교 의학전문대학원 병리학교실2, 내과학교실3 |
Abstract |
Anti-glomerular basement membrane disease is a rare autoimmune disease characterized by rapidly progressive renal failure and/or pulmonary hemorrhage. The presence of severe crescentic glomerular inflammation with linear deposition of immunoglobulin G along the glomerular basement membrane is pathognomonic. Because renal function is rapidly and often irretrievably destroyed, many patients require hemodialysis all through their lifetime. We report a case of 33 year(s)-old man who was diagnosed as anti-glomerular basement membrane disease without pulmonary hemorrhage. The patient was treated with pulse methylprednisolone and plasmapheresis followed by oral corticosteroid and cyclophosphamide. His renal function was successfully recovered with early diagnosis and aggressive treatment. |
Key Words:
Anti-glomerular basement membrane disease, Corticosteroids, Plasmapheresis, Cyclophosphamide |