Korean Journal of Nephrology 2009;28(1):49-52.
A Case Report of Rhabdomyolysis Associated With Acute Renal Failure Following Laparoscopic Radical nephrectomy
Ju Hyun Oak, M.D., Mi Hyang Jung, M.D., Byung Hee Hwang, M.D., Yoo Sun Hong, M.D., Park Ki Hoon, M.D., Kim Ji Hun, M.D., Seo Hee Ann, M.D., Yong Kyun Kim, M.D., Ho Cheol Song, M.D. and Eui Jin Choi, M.D.
Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea
증례 : 복강경하 근치적 신절제술 후에 발생한 급성 신부전을 동반한 횡문근 융해증 1예
옥주현, 정미향, 황병희, 선홍, 박기훈, 김지훈, 안서희, 김용균, 송호철, 최의진
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 내과학교실
Postoperative rhabdomyolysis with acute renal failure (ARF) is a rare complication of laparoscopic urologic surgery. It is associated with lateral decubitus surgical position, long operative time, and increased body mass. We report a case of a 49-year-old-man with right renal cell carcinoma who underwent a laparoscopic right radical nephrectomy for 7 hours in left decubitus position and was complicated by ARF due to postoperative rhabdomyolysis. Laparoscopic renal surgery is performed in many surgical renal diseases and heightened suspicion may help early recognition of postoperative rhabdomyolysis. Vigorous hydration and hemodialysis are also helpful in treating ARF secondary to rhabdomyolysis.
Key Words: Rhabdomyolysis, Acute renal failure, Laparoscopy, Nephrectomy

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