Korean Journal of Nephrology 2010;29(4):482-488.
Clinical Comparison of Automated Peritoneal Dialysis with Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis
Jinhee Cho, M.D., Sukyong Yu, M.D., Inwhee Park, M.D., Heungsoo Kim, M.D. and Gyu-Tae Shin, M.D.
Department of Nephrology, Ajou University School of Medicine
원저 : 자동 복막투석의 지속성 복막투석과 비교한 임상적 특징
조진희, 유수경, 박인휘, 김흥수, 신규태
아주대학교 의과대학 신장내과학교실
Purpose: Automated peritoneal dialysis (APD) is increasingly used due to freedom from daytime exchanges and flexibility of prescription. In this study, we compared APD with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) to assess the influence of mode of PD on various measures of clinical performance. Methods: We followed 26 APD patients prospectively over a 12-month period and compared them with 16 CAPD patients in whom examinations of dialysis dose and residual renal function (RRF) at least twice during the 1st one year after dialysis were done. Weekly Kt/V urea (Kt/V) and standard creatinine clearance (SCCr) of PD, and RRF (24hr urine creatinine clearance) were measured at 1st month, 6th month and 12th month after start of dialysis. In addition, serial biochemical tests were analyzed every three months during this period. Results: No statistically significant differences in baseline characteristics, RRF, SCCr and Kt/V were observed between APD and CAPD patients. Serum concentrations of bicarbonate, hemoglobin, and calcium tended to be higher in the APD group and actually serum bicarbonate levels at 9 months, calcium levels at 12 months and hemoglobin levels at 6 and 9 months were significantly higher in APD patients (p<0.05). There was no significant difference in serum sodium concentrations and peritonitis rate between the two groups. Conclusion: No significant differences were observed between APD and CAPD in Kt/V, SCCr and RRF for one year after start of PD. APD, however, may be advantageous in improving several biochemical markers such as blood levels of hemoglobin, bicarbonate, and calcium compared to CAPD.
Key Words: APD, CAPD, Biochemistry

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