원발성 신장 악성임파종 환아 1예 |
이혜숙 , 이보영 , 이재승 , 김병수 , 서진석 , 신동환 |
Abstract |
The malignant lymphoma is a malignant proliferation of the reticuloendothelial and lymphoid elements that are found in lymph node and other lymphoid tissues of spleen, tonsil, small intestine etc. Involvement of the kidneys in malignant lymphoma is frequent. Although renal involvement was bilateral in most cases, it was in the form of multiple, discrete nodules with preservation of most of the renal paren- chyme. We report a case of primary renal malignant lymphoma in a 5yrs old male complaining of both huge flank mass and was diagosed as primary renal malig- nant lymphoma by renal biopsy. Patient was treated with combined chemotherapy with MACOP-B but ninty six days later, he died from ascites and respiratory insufficiency. A brief review of the related literature was made. |