신증후군의 임상경과에 알부민의 투여가 미치는 영향 |
서상영 , 이강우 , 이기형 , 유기환 , 김순겸 |
Abstract |
Intravenous administration of albumin is fequently used for relieving severe edema of patients with nephortic syndrome. We retrospectively reviewed the clinical course of 34 steroid responsive nephrotic children. Among them, 21 patients who had a history of being treated with human albumin were defined as group A and 13 patients who had a history of not being treated with human albumin were group B. The initial laborlatory findings including serum total albumin, total cholesterol, blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, glomerular filtration rate, and urine protein excretion in both groups were equivalent as were initial dose of corticosteroid. The duration of corticosteroid therapy to loss of proteinuria for group A(9.76±3.21 days) was signifi- cantly longer than that for group B(7.00±2.27 days) (p< 0.01), and significant difference in proportion of loss of proteinuria within 10 days from the start of corticosteroid therapy were observed between group A and group B (in group A, 13/21=61.9%, in group B, 12/ 13=92.3%, p<0.05). Moreover, significantly positive correlation were observed between the duration of albumin treatment and the period to loss of proteinuria from the start of corticosteroid therapy. In conclusion, administration of albumin may delay and alter the response to corticosteroid therapy, therefore albumin administration to steroid responsive nephrotic syndrome should be carefully considered. |