Comparison of Prevalence of Visceral Obesity between Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis Patients |
Young Mi Ku, M.D.1, Young Soo Kim, M.D.2, Sun Ae Yoon, M.D.2, Keun Sang Yum, M.D.3, Kyung Hee Min, R.N.4 , Soon Sun Jung, R.N.4, Ho Cheol Song, M.D.2, Yong-Soo Kim, M.D.2, Soo Kyo Chung, M.D.1, Young Ok Kim, M.D.2, |
Department of Radiology1 Internal Medicine2 and Family Medicine3 |
임상연구 : 복막투석 환자와 혈액투석 환자에서 내장 비만의 유병률 비교 |
구영미1, 김영수2, 윤선애2, 염근상3, 민경희4, 정순선4, 송호철2, 김용수2, 정수교1, 김영옥2 |
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 방사선과학교실1, 내과학교실2, 가정의학과 교실3, 의정부성모병원 인공신장실4, Dialysis center4 The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea |
Abstract |
Purpose : Visceral obesity is a more reliable indicator of cardiovascular risk factor than BMI. Our study was designed to compare the prevalence of visceral obesity in peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients to hemodialysis (HD) patients with abdominal fat CT in a single center.
Methods : In this cross sectional study, the result of abdominal fat CT of dialysis patients was investigated from January, 2007 to March, 2007 in Uijeongbu St. Mary s Hospital. To evaluate the risk factors related to visceral obesity, we analyzed patients medical records such as duration of dialysis, lipid profiles, anthropometric data and the presence of DM.
Results : We enrolled 65 HD patients and 67 PD patients. PD group had higher mean body weight, mean body mass index (BMI), and triglyceride level, compared to HD group. The PD group had higher visceral fat area, measured by abdominal fat CT than HD group. The prevalence of visceral obesity was higher in PD group than HD group. Visceral fat area showed positive co-relation with BMI in HD group, but did not in PD group. The age related prevalence of visceral obesity was significantly increased in the patients with older age group (>65).
Conclusion : Our cross sectional study points to the fact that visceral obesity is more common in PD patients than HD patients. It is necessary to control weight and nutritional status, especially in PD patients for preventing metabolic complications.
Key Words:
Visceral fat, Obesity, Dialysis, Prevalence |