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Original Articles
Serum alkaline phosphatase and γ-glutamyl transferase in acute pyelonephritis
Chaehoon Han, Young-Ki Lee, Hayne Cho Park et al.
Kidney Res Clin Pract. 2019;38(2):205-211.   Published online June 30, 2019
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Case Reports
Emphysematous pyelonephritis initially presenting as a spontaneous subcapsular hematoma in a diabetic patient
Ji Won Min, Soon Kyu Lee, Yu Mi Ko et al.
Kidney Res Clin Pract. 2014;33(3):150-153.   Published online July 8, 2014
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Renal artery thrombosis secondary to sepsis-induced disseminated intravascular coagulation in acute pyelonephritis
Jayoung Lee, Hee Chul Nam, Boo Gyoung Kim et al.
Kidney Res Clin Pract. 2012;31(4):242-245.   Published online September 28, 2012
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Intra-Renal Arterial Pseudoaneurysm Associated with Acute Pyelonephritis
Ji Soo Park, M.D., Hyun Ju Oh, M.D., Harry Yoon, M.D., Jie Hye Moon, M.D., Gun Woo Kim, M.D., Heo Young Kim, M.D., So Young Lee, M.D., Dong Ho Yang, M.D. and Hyung-Jong Kim, M.D.
Korean J Nephrol. 2011;30(3):321-324.
A Case of Emphysematous Pyelonephritis Complicated with Septic Pulmonary Embolism
Jung Hee Koh, Jung Seop Eom, Jung Sub Kim, Sang Heon Song, Im Soo Kwak and Eun Young Seong
Korean J Nephrol. 2011;30(1):112-115.
Clinical Usefulness of Serum Procalcitonin as a Biomarker of Acute Pyelonephritis
Eun Ae Yang, M.D. Jun Seok Park, M.D. Min Hyun Cho, M.D. and Sang-Woo Lee, M.D.
Korean J Nephrol. 2010;29(6):716-724.
Clinical Risk Factors for Bacteremia in Patients with Acute Pyelonephritis
Seun Duk Hwang, M.D., Kyoung Suk Park, M.D., Byung Soo Jeon, M.D., Yoon Ji Kim, M.D., Sang Hun Lee, M.D, Kkot Sil Lee, Soo Young Yoon, M.D. and Sang Choel Lee, M.D.
Korean J Nephrol. 2009;28(5):418-423.
Acute Graft Pyelonephritis after Kidney Transplantation: Clinical Manifestations and the Impact on Long-term Allograft Outcome
Yu-Ji Lee, M.D. Na Ree Kang, M.D. Jung Eun Lee, M.D. Wooseong Huh, M.D. Sung-Joo Kim, M.D. Yoon-Goo Kim, M.D. Dae Joong Kim, M.D. and Ha Young Oh, M.D.
Korean J Nephrol. 2009;28(4):310-316.
A Case of Endogenous Klebsiella Endophthalmitis Associated with Acute Pyelonephritis in a Patient with Chronic Renal Failure
In Hee Lee, M.D. Tae Won Kim, M.D. Gun Woo Kang, M.D. Young Chan Park, M.D. Keun Hae Kim, M.D. and Yun Young Kim, M.D.
Korean J Nephrol. 2009;28(3):253-258.
A Case of Acute Pyelonephritis Complicated with Renal Vein Thrombosis
Hwa Jeong Lee, M.D., Mi Hyang Jung, M.D., Hee Kyoung Jeong, M.D., Jin Jin Kim, M.D., Eun Yeong Mo, M.D., Yong Kyun Kim, M.D. Ho Cheol Song, M.D. and Euy Jin Choi, M.D.
Korean J Nephrol. 2009;28(1):63-66.
Causative Organisms and Antibiotics Sensitivity in Community Acquired Acute Pyelonephritis
Hajeong Lee, M.D. Hayne Cho Park, M.D. Hyun-Bae Yoon, M.D. Seung Seok Han, M.D. Cha Ran-hui, M.D. Kook-Hwan Oh, M.D. Kwon Wook Joo, M.D. Sang Won Park, M.D. Chun Soo, Lim, M.D. Yun Kyu Oh, M.D.
Korean J Nephrol. 2008;27(6):688-695.
Both Hydronephrosis Complicated with Emphysematous Pyelitis
Eun Jung Kim, M.D., Il Seon Yun, M.D., Jae Sung Lee, M.D., Ju Young Lee, M.D., Jin Myung Byun, M.D., Sung Woo Yoon, M.D. and Young Min Kim
Korean J Nephrol. 2008;27(3):389-392.
A Case of Bilateral Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis with Renal Failure
Yun-Ho Choi, M.D. Won-Ho Choi, M.D. Sang-Youb Han, M.D. Kum Hyun Han, M.D. and Han Sung Kim, M.D.
Korean J Nephrol. 2008;27(1):137-140.
A Case of Huge Infected Adrenal Pseudocyst associated with Acute Pyelonephritis and E. coli Bacteremia
Eun Hui Bae, M.D., Soo Wan Kim, M.D. Nam Ho Kim, M.D. and Ki Chul Choi M.D.
Korean J Nephrol. 2007;26(3):364-367.

Kidney Research
Clinical Practice

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